Share Your Knowledge!

Join our roster of speakers and help strengthen the community with new knowledge and skills

Our mission is to provide a forum for talented, knowledgeable speakers to share their experience and expertise with the greater community.

How does it work?

  1. Pick something interesting! Topic, problem, demo, how-to... up to you!
  2. Plan for a 45 minute talk (maybe shorter with room for Q&A!)
  3. You can use both audio and visual elements, and we can accommodate most rigs or setups if you want to focus on a demo or how-to

What's in it for me?

  • Full access to the festival and concert!
  • Plus the satisfaction of giving back to the community, networking opportunities, and the chance to learn from industry professionals.

Want more info?

Check out our past events for cool ideas on talks!

We Want You!

If you have an interesting idea, problem you've tackled, or want to share some practical knowledge with the community, we want to hear from you!

NOTE: Speaker submissions are now CLOSED for 2019. If you are interested in participating in future events though, we would love to hear from you!

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